About us
The Citizens Environmental Foundation (CEF) was established as a non governmental organization to cope with various environmental problems.
Because of the interdisciplinary character of those problems and their complexity, we believe that considering all aspects of a problem is a necessary approach towards a solution. Thus, our interests vary, we realize it is important to work with other NGO groups whose knowledge is specialized and activities are concentrated on specific topic areas.
Recently it has been widely recognized that bringing citizens, administrative government and corporations together is essential for change.
For that purpose, CEF coordinates practical activities, forming various study and research groups of specific projects, making proposals and suggestions according to requests from various organization as well as companies, and offering information and opportunities for people to join our activities. Most of these activities and projects are supported by volunteer members and we believe this encourages people to be aware of the environmental problems of their region and to be active for the actual solution of the problems. We have full time paid staff who coordinate and affiliate those activities and project.
"Think globally, Act locally" is our motto, Though, as long as CEF is a Kyoto-based environmental NGO, our activities are concentrated in Kyoto and the neighboring areas, we also try to keep abrest of what’s going on around the globe and do what we can to make things better.
Citizens Environmental Foundation
President:Ikuo Sugimoto
Daini Fuyacho BLD206 Nizyosagaru Fuyacho-dori Nakagyoku
Kyotocity, Japan
TEL 81-75-211-3521 /FAX 81-75-211-3531
Mail: life@kankyoshimin.org